Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mommie and Me

 These two beautiful women have been through thick and thin together. They have cried and laughed together. They both love each dearly but at the same time they can dislike each other. This is my mother and myself.

Momma Duck

Ducks are common all over the Lehigh Valley. But never have I seen a duck nest right along side of a house. This Momma Duck decided to make her nest right below my kitchen window.

If you look closely you can see the Mom's head and half of her body.

Momma Ducks barely ever leave their nests. Only at night does the Momma duck leave the nest. She leaves her nest only to go visit her life long mate and to get a drink. This Momma duck does this routine for 20-40 days. (or until her eggs hatch)

This is a picture of all the eggs the mother duck has laid. Not all the eggs have hatched, but we now have a happy duck family waddling around our yard.

Lily :)

My Lily Girl. This is my 5 month old St Bernard. She is a whopping 45lbs and her paws are the size of my palm.  Lily is my baby, in this picture she can't decide wether she wants the tennis ball or baseketball.

Abbi's Semi Formal For 8th Grade

The gorgeous beauty above is my younger sister Abbi. She is all dressed up for her eighth grade formal. Although, it was an issue for her to actually wear a dress, she pulled through...with shorts underneith! 

This is a picture of my sister and I. I have raised her and my younger brother since I was 12. She is my little girl and I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming.  I almost had cried because the thought of the next big dance for my sister would be her prom. 

This is Abbi getting into the limo. The way she looks in the picture shows her true personality. (The limo even had a red carpet for the girls to get in.)

I honestly never believe anyone when they said that children grow up to fast. But now, Since I got to see/take my little sister to her 8th grade formal. It seems as though yesterday she was holding my hand while crossing the street and now she's a beautiful young lady. I love you so much little sister. You're just growing up too fast for me. ♥

Senior Prom 2011

This picture is a picture ouside of my house right before my friend and I went to prom. On the left hand side is my best friend Rachel Smith. She and I have been friends since 9th grade spanish class, neither one of us spoke a word of spanish.

The second picture is a picture of my new puppy Lily and I. There was no way I was leaving my Gramm's house unless I had a picture with her.

This is my Mommie and me. My mom was the mastermind of how my hair looked and my makeup. My mom has been a hairdresser since she was 16 years old.

Kyle and Stephanie

Every year around spring time my Aunt and Cousins for North Carolina come up to spend a week at my Gramm's house. Every time they come up my gram puts me in charge of taking pictures of EVERYTHING that happen. I have a tendency of going behind people and taking pictures suddendly. Kyle here just took a bite of a S'more that was made on the stove.

My Dog Ally. RIP 8/23/201

I took this picture outside my house. I was holding up spaghetti in order for to take a nice picture.